The Biggest Misconception About What Work Is For
There are a whole lotta misconceptions about work. But I think the biggest misconception of all is around what work is for. I ask people this question allll the time, and the number one answer I...
There are a whole lotta misconceptions about work. But I think the biggest misconception of all is around what work is for. I ask people this question allll the time, and the number one answer I...
I wanna let you in on a li'l secret. Everything I've ever done in my business, I've done it scared. The first time I coached someone? Scared. The first time I spoke at a conference? Scared. The first...
"If I could go back in time and do things differently, I'd probably have pursued a career in...
I wanna talk about the 'first time expert' belief. You know, the totally unrealistic idea we have that we should be experts at things the very first time we do them. It's bananas, and yet we...
Before I owned my rebellious nature, I was a rule-follower extraordinaire. If they gave out awards for doing things the "right" way, I would've had a wall full of 'em. But y'know where it led me?...
"I should stay at my job a little longer." "I should stick it out—it's not *that* bad." "I should suck it up. Work isn't supposed to be fun anyway." "Maybe I should just apply for that promotion instead...
I'm a firm believer that it's always the perfect time to take up a new hobby or learn a new skill. And if you love learning as much as I do, then diving in is...
Making a big career change (or even thinking about making one) can be hard. It often requires stepping way outside your comfort zone and doing things you've never done before. All of this newness tends to trigger...
Confession time: I used to listen to break up songs in my car on my commutes into work every day (Beyoncé's "Sorry" was a fav). It was an effective coping mechanism. Rage-singing on my drive in...
When people reach out to me for help with their career, their message typically says somethin' along the lines of, "I've got this looks-great-on-paper job with good benefits and paid vacation, but I can't stand...