Pep Talks

As a Career Coach for Rebels, I'm often asked what popular career advice I disagree with most. Since I specialize in helping people create unconventional careers, it would probably come as no surprise to learn...

"What am I doing with my life?" "Why am I here?" "What's my purpose??" If you've asked yourself one (or more) of these questions at some point in your life, you're not alone.  In fact, so many of us...

I was talking with a client recently about their worries around the uncertainty of our current circumstances, and how it might affect their career change plans. Maybe you're feelin' worried about these things too, so I...

From where I’m sitting in the library right now, I can see the Oprah magazine lying on a shelf. Posed with a beautiful, gleaming smile, it’s almost as if she’s looking back at me. *Cue...

Thus far in my professional career, I’ve quit four jobs. Four roles that may very well have been someone else’s dream job. Four perfectly acceptable opportunities to build a career. Except they weren’t perfect. Not for...

Have you ever felt something reverberate through you? In the way that live music does at a concert, or how it would feel to stand near train tracks as one passes by. It’s completely electrifying....