There Are No Chosen Few

There Are No Chosen Few

From where I’m sitting in the library right now, I can see the Oprah magazine lying on a shelf. Posed with a beautiful, gleaming smile, it’s almost as if she’s looking back at me. *Cue instant inspiration.*

Oprah lives a life that most could never even dream of, and we idolize her for it. We hang on to every wisdom-infused word she says, in awe of the light and presence she brings.

She’s hardly the only one who commands such awe from the pubic en masse. Others that come to mind are Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Tony Robbins, and J.K. Rowling, as well as nearly every famous musical artist and sports star.

“If only I could be like them,” we think. But what is it about these individuals that we so admire? Is it because of who they are, what they do, or our belief that having their fame and fortune would be the key to our happiness?

I think it’s something else entirely. Whether we know it or not, I think the reason we idolize these individuals is because of their greatness. They’re not merely ‘okay’ at what they do in the world; they’re the best—bar none.

These individuals found their calling, followed it, and are living big, bold lives because of it.

But that is not a luxury reserved for a ‘chosen’ few. It’s something that each and every one of us is capable doing.

It’s just that in most cases we don’t. We don’t actively seek to find the work we are meant to do with our lives, and pursue it regardless of the obstacles that stand in our way. We settle for normal, average, ordinary.

You don’t have to, though. Instead of looking at these people as idols, instead see them as inspiration that you too can lead a spectacular life. In fact, you may very well be the next “Oprah”!

You just have to get out there. Put yourself in the path of greatness. Envision it, work for it, and ultimately, you will achieve it.

The roads of these powerful people were not paved with gold. They struggled, endured hardships, and likely almost gave up a hundred times. But they didn’t. They persevered.

Because finding your calling is one thing, but pursuing it another. The latter is much harder to do, but totally and completely worthwhile. It’s when the magic happens.

There are no chosen few. People are not assigned at birth to become great. They actively work toward it every single day. And so can you.

Isn’t it time you discover what big, bold life is waiting for you?

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