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I wanna let you in on a li'l secret. Everything I've ever done in my business, I've done it scared. The first time I coached someone? Scared. The first time I spoke at a conference? Scared. The first...

"What am I doing with my life?" "Why am I here?" "What's my purpose??" If you've asked yourself one (or more) of these questions at some point in your life, you're not alone.  In fact, so many of us...

From where I’m sitting in the library right now, I can see the Oprah magazine lying on a shelf. Posed with a beautiful, gleaming smile, it’s almost as if she’s looking back at me. *Cue...

I have a bit (a lot) of time anxiety. I’m incredibly aware of how short life is and how precious the hours of each day are. I didn’t always used to be this way. When I...

You know how some people grow up just knowing what they want to do as a career? Like that kid in your fourth grade class who's already decided he's going to be a doctor. That's...