Here’s Why You Should Quit Livin’ for the Weekend

Here’s Why You Should Quit Livin’ for the Weekend

Far too often, I hear people say that it’s okay that they don’t like their job, because what they value most is the other areas of their life.

They’re fine with grumbling their way through 40 hours a week, as long as they get to enjoy their evenings and weekends.

But I don’t think these peeps understand how much of our lives are spent working.

Do you know?

It’s a third. A THIRD. That’s 33.3% of your life.

Does that not sound like all that much to you?

Well, another 33.3% of your life is spent sleeping.

That’s right, the only activity you spend an equivalent amount of time to as working is sleeping.

Y’know what makes up the other 33.3% of your life that’s not spent working or sleeping? EVERYTHING ELSE.

That’s your hobbies, exercising, cooking, reading, traveling, and watching Netflix. That’s going to birthday parties, to the movies, and out for dinner. That’s spending time with loved ones.  

All of that takes up just a third of your life. That’s the exact same amount of time in your life that you spend working.

I *mean* to sound dramatic here when I say that a third of your life is a shit ton of time. It’s literally decades.

You spend the equivalent of a few decades of your life working.

So choosing to do work you don’t enjoy (and it is a choice) is actively deciding that you’re only going to enjoy 33.3% of your life. That you’re okay with only making the most of a third of your time on this planet.

And that’s just crazy talk. I know you don’t want that.

You’re not here to simply survive this life; you’re here to LIVE it. To milk every last drop of what it has to offer you.

And not just in your “spare time” either. In every. waking. moment. you have.

So quit wasting minutes, hours, days, yearsss of your precious life doing mediocre jobs. Stop living for your evenings and weekends.

It’s time to find work that gives you a deep sense of fulfillment and purpose. Work that you wake up excited about doing every day.

What are you waiting for?? Time’s a tickin’!

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