Stop Shoulding On Yourself

Stop Shoulding On Yourself

I should stay at my job a little longer.

I should stick it out—it’s not *that* bad.

I should suck it up. Work isn’t supposed to be fun anyway.

Maybe I should just apply for that promotion instead of leaving. That could fix things, right?

I should probably find a career that’s stable and secure.

I hear people say things like this all the time (maybe you’ve even said—or thought—them before yourself).

Notice what all these statements have in common?

Ah, the word “should.” Such a simple, commonly used word. And yet it says so much.

Namely, that everything that comes after it is something you don’t wanna do.

It’s usually something you’ve been told to do. Maybe directly by someone (a parent, partner, or boss). Or indirectly by society. Or by your own fear.

But let me ask you somethin’…what good is it doing you to navigate your career by all of these shoulds?

Is it making you feel happy? Does it feel like you’re in alignment with the needs and want you have for your career? Is it helping you reach your potential?

Imma go out on a limb here and guess that the answer to those questions is “no.”

Stop stop shoulding on yourself already, wouldja?!

It’s time to stop using perceived obligations and others’ expectations as a guide for what to do with your career, and start figuring out what YOU want.

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