Are You Buying Into the ‘First Time Expert’ Belief?

Are You Buying Into the ‘First Time Expert’ Belief?

I wanna talk about the ‘first time expert’ belief.

You know, the totally unrealistic idea we have that we should be experts at things the very first time we do them. It’s bananas, and yet we buy into it anyway. 

I see it happen all the time. My rebel will peeps will put in the work to figure out what kind of unconventional career they want to have, take one step in that direction, stumble a bit or run into a road block and go, “Well, I guess this isn’t for me!

I’m not immune to this either. A couple of years ago I was interviewed on show called The C-Suite. It was my first time on TV, and needless to say, it didn’t go as smoothly as I’d hoped.

I fought off an anxiety attack moments before the camera started rolling. During the interview my heart felt like it might explode, my stomach was trying very hard to straight up exit my body, and my brain went blank as a fuckin’ whiteboard. As a result of all of these bodily shenanigans, I came across too seriously and said ‘um’ a boat load. 

In the days afterward, I was hard AF on myself for what I deemed to be a less-than-stellar performance, when I had fully expected to knock it outta the ballpark. 

But you know what? It was my first damn time! How on Earth could I have possibly aced something I’d never done before?

We forget that we have to TRY. Often a few dozen (or hundred or thousand) times before we become an expert at things.

You didn’t learn to walk the first time you took a step. Or figure out how to ride a bike the first time you got on one. Or learn how to drive the first time you sat in front of the steering wheel. You tried. Over and over and over again until you NAILED IT. 

Remember this the next time you pick up a new hobby, learn a new skill, or set out on a brand spankin’ new career path

Trying isn’t failure. Trying is learning what to do differently next time. Trying is progress. Trying is the foundation on which your expert house will be built.

So just get out there and try already, wouldja!

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