It’s Okay To Suck At Doing New Things

It’s Okay To Suck At Doing New Things

I’m a firm believer that it’s always the perfect time to take up a new hobby or learn a new skill. And if you love learning as much as I do, then diving in is full of excitement.

But there’s something we often forget or overlook when we’re about to start doin’ new things: you’re gonna suck at them at first.

Before they become fun and enjoyable, they’re going to be challenging, or maybe even frustrating.

A lot of people misinterpret these not-so-blissful feelings as signs that the activity just isn’t for them, and they walk away from it. Stopping before they’ve even really started.

But do you remember when you were learning how to walk as a baby? Probably not, and for good reason, ’cause it goes without saying that you fell on your butt—A LOT.

You didn’t figure it out on the first go. But you also didn’t let that discourage you from continuing to try. You didn’t think, “Ah! You know what, I guess walking’s just not for me.

No! You stubbornly stuck with it until you learned. And now look at you, walker extraordinaire.

Being challenged is part of the process.

So, go on, allow yourself to suck at doin’ something new. Give yourself the grace to be terrible.

‘Cause even though it may not always feel like it, that’s where the fun of learning lives.

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