Stuck AF

"What am I doing with my life?" "Why am I here?" "What's my purpose??" If you've asked yourself one (or more) of these questions at some point in your life, you're not alone.  In fact, so many of us...

I was talking with a client recently about their worries around the uncertainty of our current circumstances, and how it might affect their career change plans. Maybe you're feelin' worried about these things too, so I...

It’s 8:13am. You’ve only been in the office since 8am and are already counting down until you can leave at 4pm. You’ve successfully killed the first 13 minutes of the day getting your lunch bag into...

A while back, I saw a clip of a Mel Robbins video on Instagram (and then hopped over to YouTube to watch the full episode). It’s called “Is It You or Your Job?” While I enjoyed...

Security. Se-currity. Every time I say that word it reminds me of the Bon Qui Qui at King Burger skit from MadTV back in the day, where she calls the security guard over every time someone...

I have a bit (a lot) of time anxiety. I’m incredibly aware of how short life is and how precious the hours of each day are. I didn’t always used to be this way. When I...