Quit Trying To “Figure It Out”

Quit Trying To “Figure It Out”


I’ve always been a bit of a control freak. I like to know exactly what’s going on in my career, what move I’m making next, and how it all fits in with the bigger picture.

Up to now, I’ve led my entire career this way. Always trying to figure it out. Solve it like it’s a puzzle. Attempting to make sense of how all the pieces fit together.

When I feel like I understand it, I’m on top of the world.

But when I lose sight of how my vision connects with the grand plan, or something happens that throws a wrench into things, it stresses me the fuck out.

But I recently had a REVELATION that I wanna share with you.

Maybe our careers (as well as all the other aspects of our lives) aren’t meant to be “figured out”?

Maybe our purpose here isn’t to crack the code, or solve our mysteries like a math problem?

What if, instead, our job is to ask ourselves every day, “Is this, right here, where I want to be?

Does this work feel good?

Is it helping me grow into the best possible version of myself?

And based on those answers, we make pivots or adjustments accordingly, until we can reply with “Yes,” “Yes,” and “Yasss!

And maybe by asking ourselves these questions over and over, every day, we’ll incrementally get where we’re meant to go.

Instead of standing still, waiting until we’ve mapped out all of our chess moves, only to realize we don’t have much life left to make them (nor any guarantee that the plan will work out the way we hoped).

So I’m going to quit tryin’ to “figure it out” when it comes to my career and the rest of my life, and instead start asking myself how it feels right here, where I am in the now.

And then, over time, I’ll gently put one foot in front of the other, without knowing if I’m making the so-called “right move,” and instead see where it leads.

Whaddya think? Care to join me?

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