Here’s Why You Need to Take Your Ideas Seriously

Here’s Why You Need to Take Your Ideas Seriously

What do you do with your ideas?

Do you roll out the welcome mat for them? Embrace them with a big hug, and invite them to come and sit down with you?

Or do you dismiss them? Shrug them off? Pretend like they’re not even there?

Every single Rebel I work with is seeking clarity around what kind of work they wanna do next. They’re eager for an “aha” moment of inspiration or certainty.

But the thing is, these “aha” moments are happening to them all. the. time. in the form of ideas coming to visit. 

The problem is, they’re not always paying attention. Not open to receiving them. Or are too busy to notice. 

In my very favourite book, Big Magic, author Elizabeth Gilbert explains this in the best way I’ve ever heard. She says:

“Ideas are driven by a single impulse: to be made manifest. And the only way an idea can be made manifest in our world is through collaboration with a human partner…

When an idea thinks it has found somebody—say, you—who might be able to bring it into the world, the idea will pay you a visit…but when it finally realizes you’re oblivious to its message, it will move onto someone else.”

Sooo TAKE YOUR IDEAS SERIOUSLY. They’re coming to you for a reason. You are who they’ve chosen to make them a reality. 

But they won’t sit around waiting on you forever. They won’t sit idly by until you feel a little more ready, or a little more brave. They won’t wait until you’ve got all your ducks in a row, or feel like it’s the p-e-r-f-e-c-t time. 

They wanna be made manifest pretty much ASAP. So act now. Act fast. Show your ideas they’ve chosen the right human to collaborate with.

Or, you know, they’ll just mosey along and go visit someone else. And I *know* you don’t want that!

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